For all German and Italian speaking people „great and small“ here in English-speaking Dubai who don’t want to forget their mother tongue and who want to cultivate it:
German and Italian language, literature and culture! (for instance also as “History Talks”)
Für alle deutschsprachigen Leute groß und klein hier in den Emiraten, die ihre Muttersprache nicht vergessen wollen und sie pflegen wollen:
Deutsche Sprache, Literatur, Kultur!
Per tutti i parlanti italiani che non vogliono dimenticare la loro madrelingua e desiderano approfondirla:
lingua, letteratura e cultura italiana!
German and Italian Mother Tongue Training for expat students
Muttersprach-Training in Deutsch für Schüler,
Lezioni in Italiano come madrelingua, per tutti gli scolari / studenti